Fame at last. Thanks to Peter Briffa for the link.
More from me about the glorious Vicky Pollard…

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“This clever man saw me on the telly…”October 8th, 2004 |
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Well as funny as it may be, I find it very disappointing that the BBC acknowledge that people like this are actually permitted to exist, and above and beyond that they give their stereotypes screen-time. Given that they are after all a ‘public service’ perhaps they should ‘serve the public’ by not providing examples of such truly revolting and digsusting aspects of society that are permitted to exist for… well, who knows.
Yes, I know it’s a comedy. It’s still like going to the zoo and watching the monkeys fling their shit about and pointing and laughing. Set an example, dammit.
The grammar alone is nearly enough to spur me to violence.
She (they) mispelled your name, although it does get lost in the rest of the horror on the page…
Hmm, can’t really relate. Perhaps the American equivalent would be a Jersey mall rat? The hair would at least be a match.
We need Vicky to work our call center in Chennai, India. Her approach to spoken English would let customers better appreciate the status quo ;^)
OMG get a life u bunch of saddos. its supposed to b funny n make u laff. u take it way to serious. its the funniest thing on tv. i think ur just stuck up n snobbish if uv got dat opinion about a JOOKEEE.
Its a sketch show. Its not like they;ve accidentally made her speak with bad grammar. Get a life and a sense of humour.
Its a sketch show. Its not like they;ve accidentally made her speak with bad grammar. Get a life and a sense of humour.
hey dont dis vicky!!! little britain is genius, and vicky pollard is by far the best! im happy to say this, despite being from Bristol and although i dont speak quite as badly as she does, i can see where they are getting it all from and i think its hilarious!!! im proud when people get me to do impressions and i dont even have to try!!!