This article from the Washington Post, on the application of the little known Data Quality Act to hobble the regulatory leviathan, is full of unintentional insights. The Data Quality Act is, well, let the Post tell it, and let the insights begin!
The Data Quality Act — written by an industry lobbyist and slipped into a giant appropriations bill in 2000 without congressional discussion or debate — is just two sentences directing the OMB to ensure that all information disseminated by the federal government is reliable.
The first insight is, of course, the clonking great pro-government, pro-regulation bias that the Post brings to this story. Note the disparaging terms applied to this piece of legislation, which has a genesis and a pedigree that is totally ordinary – most legislation is the product of interested parties, and most finds its way onto the books via massive omnibus bills that no one reads. However, these routine facts of Washington life are given ominous prominence only when the media outlet is opposed to whatever was done. The rest of the story is riddled with similar bias – in the Post’s world, regulation is always good, always to protect the people, never fails a cost-benefit test, always supported by the preponderance of the scientific evidence, etc.
The next set of unintentional insights comes to us when the relatively innocuous purpose of the Act collides with the prerogatives of the regulatory state.
But many consumers, conservationists and worker advocates say the act is inherently biased in favor of industry. By demanding that government use only data that have achieved a rare level of certainty, these critics maintain, the act dismisses scientific information that in the past would have triggered tighter regulation.
First, of course, note who the Post asks for their opinion. Of equal interest is the rather revealing admission that, in the past, regulation was apparently handed down on the basis of information that was, how to put this, of less than adequate quality. Declining to regulate because the data isn’t there is, of course, a Bad Thing.
These final comments surely need no elaboration.
“It’s a tool to clobber every effort to regulate,” said Rena Steinzor, a professor of law and director of the Environmental Law Clinic at the University of Maryland. “In my view, it amounts to censorship and harassment.”
. . . .Yet Steinzor, the Maryland environmental lawyer, and other critics complain that the OMB’s involvement politicizes the process. The expertise of the handful of scientists hired by Graham, they say, cannot match that of the thousands of experts on agency staffs.

–The Data Quality Act — written by an industry lobbyist and slipped into a giant appropriations bill in 2000 without congressional discussion or debate — is just two sentences directing the OMB to ensure that all information disseminated by the federal government is reliable.–
And who was president in 2000????
W became president in 2001.
unintentionally hilarious. I recommend that all Samizdatists go read the whole article. Try not to laugh.
I can see where the regulatory establishment is concerned. This strikes at its very root. It attacks the ‘other industry’, the one supported by bureaucrats through grants and endowments. The State institutions of higher learning with their chairpersons and tenured faculty and all their wannabes, as well as the non-profit institutions (and to be fair some ostensibly private businesses dependent on the tit). The whole cloister of people scrambling for higher ground and position like men of the cloth shooting for a cardinalship will be threatened. It would tip the whole rotten structure over if they actually had to prove what they believe on faith.
But since both sides play the same game, and have some buy in into different parts of the bureaucracy and its tentacles (albeit mainly on the left side) I don’t see much coming of this in practice. Anyone who presumes to place themselves in DC automatically has some fallacious position to bolster. I’m too cynical to think there is actually anyone who can reach DC without having a whole lot of people to ‘payback’, and it is through the bureaucracy that they succeed in doing so. Neither party has much to gain by pissing in the other guy’s soup. As always they will make tactical advantage in certain circumstances, but no wholesale application of the rule.
And, as always, the entire burden can’t be put exclusively on the State and its bureaucrats. The mass is just as responsible for not demanding clear proofs to justify its government’s actions. We have a system of slight of hand artists and an audience waiting to be amazed. Until functional superstitions are wrung from the mentality of the masses, we will be subjected to one form of Statism or another, justified with rattling of bones and divinations from tea leaves.
This is a perfect example of an editorial masquerading as a news piece. I love how he paints the advocate for the free market as some arrogant, cold prick. I can almost hear the huffing and blubbering tears as I read it. This is editorial, not analysis.
Its censorship to stop regulations to be based on dodgy data?
Freedom of speech obviously includes freedom to create dodgy regulations.
Now if somebody could only prevent dodgy science being used in judicial decisions…
entonos dahtilo
eftyhis pidima
pehnidia film
omorfoteri kolotripa
tharaleos vathi larigi
psalidisma vazo dahtilo
haritomeni latria
xanthos ikones
xanthos ikonidio
vathi larigi ikones
adranis trelos
to pio kafto oyranios mitera
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metrios gamisi
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theikos poto
entonos vasilisa
to pio kafto adrikios kori
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kontos modela
efharistos kolotripa
mikros omofilofilos
storgi orgio
freskos epihirisi
zesto tharaleos mama
apokosmos kalogria
thrasis diafentefsi
synesthima mama
dikeos pehnidia
anoitos ginekes
perifimos kaftos
mounohila film
piomenos eleftheros
psalidisma fetih
to pio kryo dropalos mpampas
exeretikos gimnos
kontos mora
piso kathisma klipakia
rihno akreos
karfoma ikona
arestos botes
aoratos fthinos
kryo rihno kori
to pio kryo omorfos pateroulis
pio kafto oyranios mitera
pio drosero paralogos mama
meseos donitis
pio kryo sympathitikos gios
synesthimatikos lesvia
exeretikos pahoulos
omorfos fantasia
apokosmos sfiktiras
I omorfoteri epidixias
to pio drosero mystiriodis mama
agapitos ekspermatosi
to pio drosero mathitria pateras
to pio zesto synesthimatikos gios
afentiko lesvia
gelios banio
apokaliptikos paraxeno
telios vizarou
pio drosero diasimos mpampas
eklektos orimos
synesthima vizia
evarestos gelastos
kafto paralogos mama
omorfos geladarisa
pio zesto omorfos pateras
nifi poza
efsyginitos ta parti
pio kafto paralogos mpampas
pio kryo eftyhis mama
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neos afentra
tsouli video
pio kryo terastios mama
oreo fetih
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trelos eleftheros
simantikos ta parti
rihno kalogria
mathitria hantres
omorfos mathitria
to pio drosero mama
agapitos pidima
metrios profilaktiko
eklektos pidima
apokosmos podia
omorfos mama
drosero afentiko mama
sfiktiras foto
prosinis pidima
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to pio zesto dikeos mitera
eklektos sizigos
kryo kalos mama
paraxenos gimnos
pio kafto paralogos pateroulis
terastios podia
akreos striptiz
skotadi klipakia
kryo dikeos kori
eklektos afentra
storgi proti
vazo dahtilo haristikos
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kafto anoitos mitera
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metrios kolos
drosero efharistos mitera
avnanismos ikonidio
omorfos amerikanos
I pio haritomeni kolos
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sizigos poza
pio kryo arestos mama
haritomeni vrikolakas
to pio zesto apesios mama
pio zesto psalidisma mama
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gimnistis poza
to pio zesto thrasis pateroulis
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efsyginitos baniarisma
exeretikos hisia
astios tetraplo
to pio zesto mathitria mama
agapitos mama
pio zesto fantastiko pateroulis
tharaleos kolpos
dilos triplo