Can it be true that Lance Armstrong is to be stripped of his title by the French authorites? Say it ain’t so, Lance
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Lance Armstrong – sporting scandal?Can it be true that Lance Armstrong is to be stripped of his title by the French authorites? Say it ain’t so, Lance August 5th, 2004 |
![]() 9 comments to Lance Armstrong – sporting scandal? |
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David Millar I think you mean.
Pure hilarity. 🙂 Very nice.
You had me going there for a minute, you bastards! Funny, though. Did you notice during the Tour that they also stopped him for speeding when he got too far ahead?
Mark, I don’t think so 🙂
lance is going down…mark my words
By the way, I pointed out the gag to a colleague of mine. It completely went over his head. Oh dear.
Watching Armstrong ride the final minutes of the Tour down rue de Rivoli for his sixth win: fabulous.
Riding the Paris Metro in the heat of summer crushed against people whose acrid stink is as stunning as a cast iron pan to the face: baffling. How can Parisians maintain Musee d’Orsay but not figure out how to bathe?
some people cant deal with history breaking events. Get on with your lives people, accept it he won!
anal valley