This is without a doubt the movie I have most anticipated seeing since spotting a certain trophy in the background of a few frames at the end of Predator 2 back in 1990.
Oh yeah. I mean, OH YEAH!
I am so ready to see this…This is without a doubt the movie I have most anticipated seeing since spotting a certain trophy in the background of a few frames at the end of Predator 2 back in 1990. Oh yeah. I mean, OH YEAH! 22 comments to I am so ready to see this… |
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Don’t want to worry you Perry, but there’ve been games of this for a while. The record of game-to-movie adaptations is sad, sad, sad.
There was also a comic book (later made into a novel) from Dark Horse Comics. It was actually pretty good, as I recall–but no relation to the new movie.
There have been posters for the movie up around LA for a few weeks now, saying “Alien vs. Predator: Whoever wins, we lose.” Remarkably appropriate for an election year…
Predator HAS to win!
If this film does good box office I hope we can expect more similar efforts to revive old movie franchises…
Robocop vs Terminator ?
Darth Vader vs Batman ?
Yoda vs Rambo ?
Any others?
Check the MPAA rating. AVP is a PG-13. That means it’s likely to be a 12A when it gets to the UK.
The “Aliens” films worth watching, and both “Predator” films, were all 18 certificate. AVP is aimed squarely at the kiddie audience.
This will not be the films we watched and were afraid in. This will be a bowdlerised, gutless travesty in the same vein as “Robocop: the animated series”. Definitely one to check out only when it’s reached the bargain bucket at Blockbuster or HMV.
Apparently it’s a stinker to rival Catwoman and Thunderbirds, with a 13% rating on
I’m surprised the excellent I, Robot has popped up on SDN, brimming as it is with futuristic technology, brutal robot-on-robot combat and capitalistic product placement. It’s directed by the same chap as The Crow and Dark City, both of which were pretty pro-individual.
And I shall be flocking en masse to the awesome looking Sky Captain & the World of Tomorrow, which I believe has Great Britain saving the day!
Predator v Alien? Well, it’s a contest of two losers. Arnie kicked micheal beihn’s (and lance henderstitchson’s) ass and micheal beihn (and lance henderstitchson) survived the Alien. Arnie also kicked the Predator’s ass.
I will save my money for ‘Professor Moriarty vs Hong Kong Phooey’.
I absolutely love that in I, Robot, both book and movie, everything falls apart when the robots start to think of humanity as a collective instead of individuals (the “zeroeth law”). The supremacy of individuality can’t be all that hard to hard-code into AI, can it? I hope future AI coders take note.
Kit Taylor: about half my fav movies got terrible reviews. The first Star Wars got terrible reviews. I pay other people’s reviews no mind at all, PARTICULARLY on movie sites. It is always safer to dis a movie than to praise it so… I will see for myself
I went to see AvP on Friday afternoon with some friends. I was reluctant because of–well–all of the above.
Given my rather low expectaions, it wasn’t a bad movie: one to watch at the half-price matinee show rather than the full-price evening show, but still…
James C: How about “Pac-man versus Tribbles“?
(Past contests: Khan vs. Lex Luthor, Terminator vs. Predator, Urkel vs. Tattoo, and Microsoft vs. Disney [The horror!])
Let’s not forget Lobo vs Wolverine
That sucked, too. I mean, there’s no way Lobo could lose, but in the stupid comic book he did!
On a scale of 1 (horrible) to 10 (kick ass). I’d give it about a 6. What was missing? Very simple. AH-NOLD!
The trailer was rated PG-13 not the movie.
If I want to be scared, I’d rather be holding a BFG against the hordes of hell creeping up my back.
I’m talking about Doom 3, of course. Best FPS ever! A terrifying substitute for horror movies too! Some of the scripted scenes were downright freaky, especially when a new monster appears, and that evil, empty laughter coming behind you in complete darkness.
I saw AVP on friday, and it wasn’t that bad. Yes, they did reduce the violence, or at least the blood and gore factor, in order to get the PG-13 rating. (Chestbursters for example, do not get the full frontal view of Aliens or Alien, just the host writhing in pain, and cutting away before the ahem… explosion.)
I found it to be a pretty good dungeon crawl for the first 75% or the movie, with a few genuine moments of sitting on the edge of my seat. Some pretty good ideas thown in for the temple.
The last 25% or so of the movie is where I had my problems with the film. A few shots and things that happened were simply too cheesy for words.
Overall, I think it was worth the full price, mainly because we only get an Alien movie every eight years or so, and beggars can’t be choosers. it is a pity though, they could have made a much better movie.
Oh yes, and I’ll vouch for the quality of the AVP video games. I first played it in the dark at 1am. Scariest computer game I’d ever played.
Oh yes, and speaking of other Versus ideas, what about the geekiest face off of all time?
Enterprise-D vs. Imperial Star Destroyer!!!
The Enterprise-D would struggle against a single X-Wing fighter let alone a Star Destroyer.
A more fair matchup would be the Enterprise-D vs a Correllian Corvette or The Millenium Falcon.
exiting nerd mode now.
There’s actually a link on that issue:
Star Wars vs Star Trek in Five Minutes
And speaking of spaceship comparisons:
Spaceship Dimensions
Apparently the film has been quite badly hacked by the studio, much to the annoyance of the director.
Report of Q&A screening on IMDb