Here is what Sullivan says, in today’s Sunday Times:
Bin Laden offered a truce. Who offers truces? People who are losing the battle.
Just what I was thinking.
I can not find anything else along similar lines here.
Andrew Sullivan on that Bin Laden truce offerHere is what Sullivan says, in today’s Sunday Times:
Just what I was thinking. I can not find anything else along similar lines here. 12 comments to Andrew Sullivan on that Bin Laden truce offer |
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I believe Mr. Sullivan’s earlier three-word reply to Osama’s truce offer (Memo to Osama) said all there was to say. Heh.
Does his offer include surrendering to American authorities and standing trial for the attacks on 9/11? Didn’t think so.
P.S.. Can you disclose the make, model, and caliber of the pistol seen in the photo in the upper left corner of your website? It looks like a Glock 9mm, but I’m not sure.
I thought it was a Glock, but I thought Glocks were DAO pistols, and didn’t have exposed hammers?
It looks like a Sig.
A bit off-topic but what the hell… it is a SIG-226 in 9mm, with custom grips.
Andrew Sullivan’s comment was indeed three words. Go ____ yourself.
Well, anyone who has been to the (Don’t) Have Your Say at the BBC will have had their worst fears for the future of mankind confirmed. There are a few non-moonbats, for “a fair balance” but most comments come from people who have not yet mastered walking upright. The stupidity is breath taking.
This was a tape recording broadcast over an old still photo of the late OBL, and they’re treating it like the Second Coming.
Even if it were OBL, which it is not, he has not been elected spokesman by the World Terrorists Association. BBC respondents seem to think that world terrorism is made up of trade union bruvvers who’ve taken a vote not to strike if they get their terms.
That the BBC would even think this was important enough to put on (Don’t) Have Your Say says it all.
Incidentally, I read over the weekend that the late OBL believed that if he bombed the WTC, many American states would be so fearful, they would immediately secede from the Union! In his primeval ignorance, he must have been dumbfounded by the reaction.
I second Andrew Sullivan.
this is tactics borrowed from palestinian terrorists – offer ‘truth’ in order to regroup and gather forces. useful fools on the left will soon start pointing fingers at ‘bloodthirsty militarists’ who reject ‘peace offer’.
this was played so many times it is not even funny anymore.
P – Yes. Susan, occasionally of this blog and very knowledgeable about Islam, says this is an old tactic. They regroup and then break the truce. This is OK because we are infidels so there’s no dishonour involved. Also, I think she said they had 10 years in which to break the truce – can’t remember exactly.
And yes, the idea is to get useful idiots like New Zealand, Jack Straw and others riven with spite and envy re the United States – adopt the moral high ground. They seem to believe, as the Spanish believe, they will be less dead when the fanatics attack the West.
In related news, al-Sadr has given Spain a pat on the head. NO more Spanish troops to be attacked now they have decided to run.
How can this kind of humiliation make a politician more popular in Spain, heartland of machismo?
Of course, Sadr doesn’t have a lot of control over the roving gangs of thugs using his name. So a few “mistakes” might well be made before they can hightail it out of there.
How can this kind of humiliation make a politician more popular in Spain, heartland of machismo?
You mean inflated and exagerrated machismo. What have the Spanish done of any worth? Any world wars, hmmm?
It’s all puffing out of non-hairy chests. “Look, we’re brave! We kill drugged and wounded bulls for sport! We’re tough guys!”
The Wobbly Guy
I don’t think this ‘truce’ has anything more to it than to drive a wedge between Europe and the US. Also, from what I gather, it simply says that they will stop blowing stuff up if the Europeans do as they are told. Isn’t that the essence of terrorism? Further, would there even be the concept of a truce if Spain had not reacted so nicely to the use of terrorism. Must have been an inspiring sight to see from OBL’s viewpoint, and results were noted.