White Rose is run by people in London, so they won’t be going, but maybe we have a few readers in Chicago. It’s organised by the Century Foundation, and they also publish this, which all of us can get hold of and read.
Chicago Civil Liberties conference – Nov 5thWhite Rose is run by people in London, so they won’t be going, but maybe we have a few readers in Chicago. It’s organised by the Century Foundation, and they also publish this, which all of us can get hold of and read. 1 comment to Chicago Civil Liberties conference – Nov 5th |
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Please keep me updated on current issues being discussed in your forum. It is twilight in the US, perhaps we can build a bonfire of hope and drive back the gloom.
A new group has arisen in this unhappy fearful land, the White Dogwood, inspired by the historic efforts of the White Rose… …creative, joyous, nonviolent, outspoken, philanthropic, unafraid, a native species of North America…and growing.