A hastily convened Blogger Booze Up has been called by Gavin Sheridan and Dan Gillmor
When: Friday at 6:30 pm.
Where: Red Lion, Westminster, 48 Parliament St.
Who: Whoever wants to show up.
Why: You have to ask?
Attention London Bloggers!A hastily convened Blogger Booze Up has been called by Gavin Sheridan and Dan Gillmor When: Friday at 6:30 pm. Where: Red Lion, Westminster, 48 Parliament St. Who: Whoever wants to show up. Why: You have to ask? 2 comments to Attention London Bloggers! |
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Don’t think I’ll be able to get there from Texas – unless these guys can give me a lift 🙂
Hastily? LOL
Ill tell the barman where we are so anyone in doubt just ask!