Rand Simberg has done another brilliant piss-take. Just imagine! Japan bombs Pearl Harbour and we go off and invade Italy! My, my….
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Rand nails ’em againRand Simberg has done another brilliant piss-take. Just imagine! Japan bombs Pearl Harbour and we go off and invade Italy! My, my…. September 13th, 2003 |
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For the second straight day, Samizdata imitates The Onion.
Get serious, guys.
Dost thou think that because the Left is humorless that there shall be no cakes and ale? o_O
Mr. Simburg forgot to take note of the role of the Jewish neo-con conspiracy in Pearl Harbor, et. al. And what about the Carlyle group’s role in profiting on the Battle of Midway?
Since you mention it, he also completely forgot about the Council on Foreign Relations, the Rockefellers and the Illuminati who conspired to anger a simple fun loving people who only wanted to be left alone to their simple pleasures in Nanking and would never have thought of attacking of the US otherwise.
You see… it was about the oil. 😉
Thanks. Funny. Very funny.
Very, very appropriate.
I have been interested in WWII history for a few years. I could never understand how Hitler was able to do as much as he did, in violation of WWI’s treaty, and get away with it for so long before any action was taken.
I could also never understand how the anti-Jewish propaganda could get such a hold on so many intelligent people. In the US there was a pro-Nazi rally in NY. I could never comprehend this.
I realize now it’s because, until the last couple of years, I had never encountered many people who were racist and believed in ‘conspiracies’. I knew they existed, but I assumed they were few and were pretty stupid people.
I am stunned at the number of posts and web sites I’ve encountered (not to mention regular media) that advance the nuttiest theories about the Jews and the US. The people who claim to believe these theories are not all ‘fringe’ people; some of them are very highly placed in government, academia, and/or media.
Words can’t convey how stunned I am that intelligent people believe, or claim to believe, some of the anti-Jewish, anti-US junk. Examples would include: The US attacked itself on 9/11 and Israel is the second worst nation (US is 1) in the world’s history for: fill_in_blank.
I feel as if I’m in some alternate reality. Maybe I am. Maybe I’m still asleep and it’s 9/10/01. On 9/10/01 I never realized these nutz were so numerous.
I could never understand how Hitler was able to do as much as he did, in violation of WWI’s treaty, and get away with it for so long before any action was taken.
I suspect it was because for a long while trade with Germany was too good to pass up.
That and nobody in Europe had a stomach for a show down. When you look at the shear numbers killed in WW1 it was pretty extreme.
“I could never understand how Hitler was able to do as much as he did, in violation of WWI’s treaty, and get away with it for so long before any action was taken.”
Possibly also because the allies saw in retrospect that many of the conditions were far too harsh; unrealistically so. If they’d enforced them rigourously, Germany would have been economically crippled. As was, the feeling that everyone else was out to cripple Germany played no small part in assisting Herr Hitler into power. If the allies had held back from such punitive revenge measures after WWI, all that nonsense might’ve been avoided.