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ID card will be required by all in the UK over 16

Home Secretary, David Blunkett, has gained Cabinet approval to push forward his plans, for compulsory ‘Magic Eye’ ID cards, for all British citizens.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are entering the abyss.

12 comments to ID card will be required by all in the UK over 16

  • Eamon Brennan

    Ah well

    Criminality here I come.


  • In 1986 the then (Labor) government of Australia attempted to introduce compulsory ID cards. Initially they at least claimed that there was relatively little resistance to the proposal, but as time went on resistance grew, to the extent that by the end of 1987 opposition was massive. The government pressed on, and opposition grew stronger. The proposal was extensively delayed by the upper house, and eventually defeated due to a constitutional technicality. The government was somewhat relieved to be forced to back down.

    I honestly cannot imagine the British public reaction being any different. Britons are not notably different to Australians in their attitudes to this kind of issue. They do not want compulsory ID cards, and the closer they get to actually being forced to carry them, the more they will show this. The fact that the Labour government doesn’t realise this is a strong indication that it is losing touch and falling apart. Mrs Thatcher lost power after completely misjudging the public response to a poll tax, and this seems a similar misjudgement to me. (The incorportated 40 pound poll tax is a nice touch. Seriously, the charge is a tremendous act of hubris. Actually charging people to take their civil liberties away..)

    However, in the elected dictatorship that is Britain, the government can get the enabling legislation passed relatively quickly, and constitutional technicalities are unlikely to bring it down. We thus face the possibility that yes, this is a sign of a government falling to pieces, and yes, the government may lose office partly because of it, but before actually breathing its last breath it may lump us with ID cards. Great.

  • Jacob

    You see, not all evil comes from Brussels, from those damned EUrocrats. You got yourself a two front battle.
    As an ID-card carrying guy for my whole life I can offer some consolation from my own experience – it’s not the end of civilization as we know it. It doesn’t matter one way or the other – it’s just another irrelevant idiocy. Let’s pray you suffer nothing worse – like the EU constitution or a raise of taxes.
    But, if it serves as an instrument for bringing down Labour – then it’s a wellcome idea.

  • £40 for an ID card?

    Say no to the PROLE TAX.

  • Michael Jennings sounds right.

    We will resist it, we will defeat it, and we will remove Labour, probably permanently this time.

    This means we should make sure there are viable long-term alternatives to the Conservatives for after the end of Labour. We also need to take careful note of support for identity cards so we can remember who the collaborationists are.

  • mark,

    Amen to all of that. The only thing that bothers me is that the Tories may come out in support of Blunkett. Michael Howard (to name but one of them) has frighteningly similar paternalistic and authoritarian tendencies. I can just see him now on Question Time applauding the government for this ‘sensible measure whose time has come’.

    Did I mention that I don’t trust the Tories?

  • Ron

    The last time we had ID cards was during a war.

    Does the reimposition imply our Glorious Leaders expect we might be needing conscription again soon…?

  • Andy Duncan

    Hi David,

    You may already know that I’m ‘slightly unreliable’ when it comes to the blue rose party, and possibly in need of further ‘re-education’ on the topic.

    But please be assured, that if they come out in support of ID cards, no further ‘re-education’ shall be necessary. My personal saying of the day, will be ‘Death to the Tories!’, and I shall ritually burn my life-size poster of Oliver Letwin.


  • Andy

    Actually I believe Letwin is Shadow Home Secretary and I am marginally more confident about him. If the Tories were politically savvy they would realise that civil liberties is an area where they can score major points from this government.

  • Dave O'Neill

    I fear there is an element within the Conservatives who will have no problem with this type of thing. The logic that we had ID’s during the war and it never did any harm will come to the front of the party faithful like my mother.

  • Oh, I don’t know, I don’t know any Tories who are supportive of an ID card.

    Admittedly, all the Tories I know are 30 or under, which makes them very much the minority (apparently)…

  • Mark Ellott

    David Carr said:

    Michael Howard (to name but one of them) has frighteningly similar paternalistic and authoritarian tendencies. I can just see him now on Question Time applauding the government for this ‘sensible measure whose time has come’.

    That’s because the same unelected officials are whispering in his ear….