We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]


Just who do these arrogant Canadians think they are?

Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien has thrown his weight behind efforts to get a World Health Organization travel warning withdrawn.

Mr Chretien told journalists the WHO had come to the “wrong conclusion” when it advised travellers to avoid Toronto, Canada’s largest city.

We must condemn this aggressive, unilateralist, neo-conservative challenge to the authority of the World Health Organisation.

14 comments to Neo-Canadians

  • A curse on your moustache! You monkey! You servant! Canada will never stand by and let this cabal of international bankers and barbers dictate to us what we know of health! <>

  • edwardVT

    Poor M’sieur Cretin – hoist on his own petard! The “French” P.M. of Canada who was so quick to follow the Chiraq line and berate America for not being multilateral, is now taking the heat from Provincial authorities in Ontario who are living with the effect of a pronouncement from a faceless bureaucrat at the WHO. But they are one of the sources of “International Law” so they must be correct!

    And thus Toronto becomes the premiere 21st Century plague city!

  • Much as I feel sorry for all the folks impacted by SARS, this particular item was delicious. Chretien hit hard by a faceless bureaucrat from one of the leading Tranzi organizations. How very appropriate. Will he take the hint? Not a chance.

  • Clio

    Another log on the bonfire: the Canadians’ main weapon in the fight against the faceless bureaucratic machine is none other than (drumroll please) a vastly more friendly report by the CDC in Atlanta, from the belly of the imperialist beast. Who’s your best friend,now Canada?

  • Chris J.

    So, you think the CDC issued a more friendly report because it was telling the truth?

    Nah, we Imperialist Americans are set on world domination and we’re going to use every weapon we have, even the CDC.

    I know I’m risking my life revealing this, free speech is all but dead in the US, as I’m sure you’ve heard our celebrities reveal. I expect the secret police to drag me away as soon as they trace this message.

    But, I have to warn my Canadian cousins and everyone else:

    It’s a plot by the US Fascist Government, via the CDC to lull Canadians, and all who vist Canada into a false sense of security.

    The plan is to restrict US citizens’ travel to Canada, while launching ad campaigns in other countries encouraging people to visit Toronto.

    Congress just coughed up a few Billion $’s for this campaign *and* to provide low air fare. Of course, we notified the ‘coalition of the willing’ countries of our plans so they are aware of it and will discourage or disallow visits to Canada.

    The fascist US Government believes the more people who visit Toronto, the more wide-spread SARS will become, as the infected visitors return to their own countries.

    Once we have a world-wide epidemic, then we strike and take over the world.

    Simple, isn’t it?

    If people weren’t too alarmed about China, we’d do the same thing with encouraging tourism there. But, we think the Canadian plan has a better chance of success.

    Good Luck Everyone,

    From somewhere in the Imperialist US … don’t say I didn’t warn you!!!

  • John H

    I know Toronto well. It is a fitting target for the Tranzis because far from being the PC political centre of Canada, Toronto is the money-grubbing financial centre – more liberty-oriented and less French influenced than the rest. It is vibrant, multi-cultural , in the sense that it is full of Hong Kong chinese who fled the Communist takeover of their island. Frankly, more elderly people die of the ‘flu in the UK than have been killed by SARS in Canada and I would be out there now if I wan’t too busy working in London.


    Sars? I thought they has trouble with Mars..Damn, now I have to unpack my evil black assault rifle and go back to the trailer park. I was just waiting for those little green guys to show up here

  • Chris J., you think you are kidding. But my cabbie last night said that US unleashed SARS on us, EITHER to punish Canada for their Iraq stance OR to keep people from going to anti-war rallys OR
    to cause China to weaken, so they can take it over in 10 years’ time OR to take the world’s attention away from Gulf War II.

    Toronto cabbies – always with their ear to the ground.

  • Chris J., you think you are kidding. But my cabbie last night said that US unleashed SARS on us, EITHER to punish Canada for their Iraq stance OR to keep people from going to anti-war rallys OR
    to cause China to weaken, so they can take it over in 10 years’ time OR to take the world’s attention away from Gulf War II.

    Toronto cabbies – always with their ear to the ground.

  • Chris J.

    Darn those Toronto cabbies!! Now the secret is out.

    We’ll have to think of something else…

  • jack M

    Cretin whines that Canada was being unjustly pilloried by a faceless, unnaccountable, transnational NGO which demands rigid adherence to its pronunciamentos. Until now, I was convinced the most self-servingly, lacking-in-irony gummint official was the female Green minister in Germany who complained that the US was violating international law in Guantanamo. And that she was concerned that we were mistreating prisoners of war. A German said that. A German. Really, the person who stands up for POW rights was a German. A German. Aren’t they on probation for the next 20 generations or so? Maybe in the year 2350 we could check with the Germans for some moral guidance. If they don’t off and start another world war with all the genocidal trimmings.

  • Josh

    I believe Jack M is probably the person with the most one-sided view on history there can be. Someone like you should just keep their mouth shut about politics.

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