Members of Sinn Fein/IRA have been protesting against the war in Iraq, both yesterday and today, as President Bush and Prime Minister Blair meet in Belfast to discuss the shape of post-war Iraq and the Northern Irish peace process.

For some strange reason,
Ba’athist Socialism’s crimes do not get any mention…
I wonder why?
That the Marxists of Sinn Fein/IRA should be making common cause with Iraqi Ba’athist Socialism should be no surprise, but that they should be publicly supporting them at a time when the torture chambers and corpse filled warehouses of the regime’s victims are now coming to light is very revealing not just of the true character of these people but is a measure of just how out of touch they are. To be honest I can hardly contain my delight at their public display of sheer unalloyed stupidity.
As US and British soldiers fight and die together in Iraq to overthrow a mass murdering tyranny, I wonder how this scene in Ulster will look on television screens in Boston? I look forward seeing what happens the next time someone tries a little fund raising for the Irish Republican ‘Army’ across the water.

Hello America! We love you!
As stories of the Irish Guards operating skillfully in Basra with tactics honed in Northern Ireland are recounted, I hope a few more noisy protests from the Sinn Fein supporters also make their way across the world’s computer and TV screens as they make an interesting contrast.

Irish Guards snipers in Iraq demonstrate the true meaning of Anglosphere solidarity
Irish Guards in Basra
Shurly some mistake!
I cannot believe that the Marxisat scum terrorists AKA the IRA were able to raise funds for their terrorist activities in America, the land of the free. Tell me this is a sick joke and that it is not true.
The American people would NEVER stoop so low as to fund illegal terrorist activites, especially if it would result in the injury or even death of their friends. No one in their right mind would allow their fellow country men to give support of any kind to terrorist organisations, ESPECIALLY one that has targeted the troops active in the current coalition against terror.
Not only is this false statement a slur against American national pride and self respect but also against the honour of soldiers who are, even now, fighting and dying side by side in their common struggle against tyranny.
So, against this background of strong co-operation between the Great British and American nations I find it impossible to believe that the people of Boston are giving succor to IRA terrorists. And even if this were remotely possible I would rest assured in the promise of the leader of the free world that he would distroy utterly and forever any community that dared sponsor terrorism or attack a nation in the coalition forces.
So the reports that the IRA scum received money or other support from Americans is totally untrue and I ask everyone to stop spreading this foul rumour designed to make our American friends look bad….
It would be worth adding, that contrary to popular opinion, those “cheese eating surrender monkeys” never supported the IRA and even managed to arrest one. Unlike anyone in Boston…
Strange world.
I’m from the Boston area. Haven’t seen any reports about IRA protesting war. But, I’ve been busy with some projects so haven’t kept up with news here.
When it was discovered the IRA was working with other terrorist groups, it was big news here, so this may be as well.
I know and work with many people who come from Ireland. Thanks for the pictures and links. I’ll make sure I bring the topic up during discussions.
(I’ve never heard anyone express admiration or support for the IRA, but some may not say even if they do.)
Chris J.
Sinn Fein are usually very canny about what political position they reveal/pretend.
I wonder what happened here? They thought any publicity is good publicity? A wing inside Sinn Fein trying to unseat Adams and McGuiness? Intriguing.
Two comments:
1. We wish it were only the IRA. Anti war protests of the same kind took place everywhere, including in GB and USA.
2. You might, maybe, now begin to understand what I feel when the EU (with British participation) is funding the Palestinian Authority.
These anti war protestors are “untermenschen”.
They are spineless, sick wimps who eat nothing but cheese and saurkraut and live by parasitic means off the backs of those who are brave enough to stand up to tyranny.
We must make the world a better place – we must find a final solution for these pacifist scum. It is these people that stand in the way of the natural progress of the Anglosphere as the true and natural rulers of the world.
We should challenge these cowards to a war and if they won’t fight (which they won’t) we should kill them all anyway. Preferably using the gas that they say Saddam hasn’t got. And even if he hasn’t got any we can make some.
String ’em up, it’s the only language I understand…
What sane person believes these criminals (sinn Fein) have a rational say about anything?!
It would seem that some people in Boston and surrounding areas obviously give some credability, as well as money, to Sinn Fein…
I say we nuke Massachusetts now, just to make sure none of these terrorist sympathisers escape. Anyway the word “commonwealth” is damn close to “communist” and anyway what sort of name for a state is “Massachusetts”. It’s not even an English word! Send them back where they came from its the only language they understand…
As an Irish American, it’s difficult to explain the feelings of shame and guilt I feel over this. I owe the British an apology and a debt.
I grew up in a family that spit every time they mentioned Cromwell. At family gatherings there would be Irish rebel songs playing in the background, beer drank and romantic stories of rebellion shared. My family hadn’t set foor on Irish shore in three generations, but the anger still ran deep.
On St. Patricks day back in the eighties and early ninties there would be fund raising for groups that everyone knew were responsible for shipping arms to the IRA. Oh, it was never explicitly said, but just like the islamic charities everyone knew what we were really paying for.
I’m ashamed to admit that it took September 11th to show me the kind of muderous animal I was supporting. It took an attack on my country to make me realize that supporting terrorisim was not a game, not romantic and not civilized behavior.
British troops have fought, died and sacrificed along side the forces of my country, and I had given money to groups that had murdered their members. It makes me sick.
The days of turning a blind eye to America’s support of terrorisim is over with. I think every Irish American now sees this.
Mad Dog Barker is ‘invited’ to cool his ‘hilarious’ remarks down.
Very moving apology from G. Bob – I hope we Brits have been also reassessing how we behaved in Ireland (and of course Scotland, Wales, and the older nations that became England) and learning to say sorry too.
And let’s jointly try to make sure not too many Iraqi civilians can harbour resentment about this operation for generations ahead. I’m hopeful.
I can’t beleive I am reading this. For God’s sake America wake up. How can you condemn a people divided by British Imperialism from attempting to reunite themselves.
When America was under the oppressive rule of the British (some would say German) monarchy, no true American would have stood up and said he or she was sorry that money had been given to kill British troops. On the contrary it would have been the patriotic duty of every American to not only give money but, if neccessary, to give their life to defend their freedom against British tyranny.
So while our brothers and sisters, from whom many Americans are decended, are still being denied self representation we should not turn our backs on them. Support the freedom of our kin in a future free from British opression.
Americans, we fought and won our freedom from British rule and we know this to be good, so we cannot deny this remedy to others who currently experience the tyranny from which America has escaped! Give generously to the cause of Irish freedom. Help us drive out the English invaders from our island.
We’ll be collecting in O’Brian’s on Thursday.
OK. Sorry, the pills are begining to work. I was having a bad life cycle but I think it’s better now…
Funny that, my family has lived in Ulster for almost 300 years, so where does a dickhead like ‘Finian Rebel’ (nice spelling of Fenian, sheesh) get off telling me I am an invader? I am protestant and my wife is a catholic… as was the case with my mother and father, and the only people we need liberation from is the likes of the IRA and UDA murderers that vermin like ‘Finian Rebel’ help fund.
People like ‘Finian Rebel’ and their NORAID friends (who have well known links to Libya) are no different to evil creatures like al-Muhajiroun, who similarly support Al-Qaeda and Hamas by fund raising. So any Americans who go to O’Brian’s on Thursday, just piss in their tin when they rattle it at you and then spit in their faces. They are apologists not of ‘freedom fighters’ but of terrorist murderers.
Quite so Patrick. I also have an Orange and Green side of the family in Ulster and although a few of my relatives have their heads up their orange and green arseholes respectively, most would agree with you completely.
The Sinn fein/IRA are just another bunch of washed up Marxists with as much relevance to modern life in Ireland as the Ku Klux Klan (which whom these ethnocentric socialists share more than they might care to admit). The sort of ‘freedom’ these buffoons want to bring to Ireland is mafia like socialism and ethnic collectivism.
Not only is Finian Rebel a dickhead as Patrick points out, he is a Yank dickhead. Go fuck up your own country if others are foolish enough to let you, but leave real Irish problems to real Irish people to sort out. We do not need testosterone addled fantasists like you giving money to evil thugs here in the south or in Ulster.
I’m embarrassed as an American that support for the IRA has come from these shores – especially after the Sept. 11 wake up call.
RE Sian’s point. It reminds me of people in the UK/US who used to send money back home to India to support the Sikh cause in the 80’s, which led to a lot of violence due to the Khalistan ‘movement’. Sit safe and sound in the west while funding bombs in markets back ‘home’. I found it cowardly and immoral.
You know, I think I am going to write my congressman and the White House about that little St. Patrick’s day visit Gerry made. Not in my name, indeed!
Add one more American who is ashamed of the fact that IRA support has come from these shores. America owes GREAT Britain a sincere apology.
More importantly, what can we do to help? I ask this as much of my fellow Americans as the Brits. Isn’t there some US Govt list of “banned” terrorist organizations? Is the IRA on that list? Are we doing as much as we can to track the flow of money from Sinn Fein to the IRA? I’m afriad I’m just a citizen and all I can do is write my congresscritter and the Pres, but I’m more than willing to do that. I’m just not sure what help the US can offer. How about some hints here? 🙂
One wonders if the US troops might find some sort of evidence of a link between the IRA (et al) and Saddam. Might we find another FARC-like embarassment for the IRA?
Comparing the IRA to the rebels of 1776 is a farce. Sinn Fein/IRA attacked innocent citizens to protest English occupation. G. Washington and company attacked British soldiers to remove English occupation. Let’s not confuse ends and means.
IRA/Sinn Fein have firm links with PLO/Fatah, they have received funding, arms and training from Gaddafi’s Libya, it would be weird if they had no links at all with Saddam.
It was obscene watching the Blair/Bush show in Belfast yesterday. If they do take the “Peace process” as a model that will mean that the Ba’athists can carry on – indeed, will be guaranteed a place at the table – so long as they only kill and maim Sunni Iraqi Arabs not Kurds, Shi’a or any coalition troops.
In fact, perhaps Saddam missed a trick; all he had to do was drop the Q from IRAQ…
” it would be weird if they had no links at all with Saddam.”
See, in my world it’d be pretty weird if they did, considering the continuing lack of any credible evidence of terrorist training on Saddam’s part.
If they do, then hey! so much the better; the IRA loses what little credibility they may have had, but I strongly suspect this whole international terrorist mutual aid club is a fabrication designed to get us all behind the war on terror, rather than some cleverly organised group of people who all have chaos as a common goal.
I think the “international terrorist mutual aid club” works the same way that the transnationalist mutual aid club works – no top-down conspiracy, just a bunch of partisans who like to hang out with other like-minded partisans.
‘I think the “international terrorist mutual aid club” works the same way that the transnationalist mutual aid club works – no top-down conspiracy, just a bunch of partisans who like to hang out with other like-minded partisans.’
yeah, i can see that; it doesn’t have to be organised with a central committee of 200 which meets in a bond-film underground base, but the trouble is, when ‘like minded’ basically means “willing to use violence against civilians to get their way”, it’s not much to go on.
What, other than that willingness, what would you describe as the common points between, say, the IRA and Saddam’s government?. Because let’s remember, despite the hyperbole, most terrorist groups’ objectives are not just chaos & destruction, hollywood villain style; most of them have specific local political aims. I accept that an exchange of skills between different groups may sometimes prove beneficial, and some may share similar outlooks, but to suggest that groups are ‘likely’ to be allied because they employ similar tactics is akin to saying the US and North Korea are probably working together militarily, since they both have nukes and have indicated a willingness to use them.
What, other than that willingness, what would you describe as the common points between, say, the IRA and Saddam’s government?
I would say that the chief common characteristic of all terrorist organizations and all totalitarian dictatorships is a combination of the following:
1. An indiscriminate hatred of entire classes of people.
2. The attitude that honor demands that members of the hated classes be deprived of physical safety, property, and sanity.
3. A willingness to act on that concept of honor by looting, killing, and terrorizing members of the hated classes.
This touches on one of my pet memes. A lot of people complain about “hate” in the West. Lots of times the complainers fail to distinguish between hate and criticism. And often they fail to recognize how effectively Western culture minimizes class violence and its support, even among those who do harbor class hatred.
Yes, we’ve got our Sinn Feins and Black Panthers and Klansmen and the occasional enviroterrorist, but overall the West, especially America, celebrates ideological discord more peaceful than that in other parts of the world.
And now that we’re in Baghdad, it’s time to do some exportin’.
I do hope all those fools in Boston see this. I too come from an Irish American family. So the f**k what? Anyone who provides support to the IRA or other terrorists groups should be tried for treason. Terrorism is a deadly threat to every free person and country in the world.
While I admire the passion of conviction, I’m a little less enthused about substituting raw emotion for rational thinking.
Lots of people have been greviously hurt physically and mentally by the Anglo-Irish conflict. Simplistic “pin-the-blame-on-the-donkey” type rants – by anyone – may be egotistically very satisfying, but do sweet-damn-all to change anything or anyone for the better.
1. I have no problem with anyone venting their anger at acts of violence, so long as they show a willingness to apply the principles underlying their condemnation equally, and consistently.
2. Terrorism? Let’s consider all the military interventions (Vietnam etc. etc.) and backroom deals our governments have made with with the worst and darkest humanity has to offer (Saddam Hussein – remember that? There’s a picture of Donny Rumsfeld shaking hands with the good fellow when he was killing middle-easterners on an equal-opportunity basis; and what of those Latin American countries where all those troublesome priests and uppity peasants “dissappeared”, where “God died in the torture chambers”?).
3. This is an admittedly insensitive question: are we condemning violence equally, or are those English-speaking christian white-folk just more worthy of remembrance? I don’t believe you mean that either – but that’s the effective result. When, with respect, may I expect to see my fellow Americans embrace Juan-grape-picker or Omar-urinal-cleaner, and beg forgiveness for our silent membership of the Latin-American/Arab/Asian/African friendly-dictator fan-club? Maybe it would be more constructive to just stop it from happening again, rather than publicly wallowing in self-indulgent Mea-Culpas (typical bloody Catholics?).
4. Closer to home: there are at any time, about 6 paramilitary groups in the North of Ireland (not including the special police/army units, of course!). The loyalists haven’t stopped bombing people, unlike the pro-agreement republicans – but of course, the residents of the Falls-Road have more pressing concerns on their minds than posting counterarguments here (“Duck! Fireblanket! Ambulance!”). Oh, and let’s not forget the large regular standing army and local gendarmes, both with a history of collusion – only with the right kind of terrorists, of course. Why bother detail the human and civil rights travesty that passed for law-and-order – which was at one time complimented enviously by a South African Justice Minister? If there was a US southern state where 47% of the population were “coloured”, but where over 90% of all police were white, with a documented history of white-supremacist government and violent uprisings, occupied by a 98% white national guard supporting the regime’s status quo, then naturally we would blame the darkies for everything.
5. I’m sorry the Irish Guards Regiment’s feelings of pride are hurt.
I’m sorry that the working-class Loyalists are being allowed – if not encouraged – to tear themselves and their communities apart, now that their use as Counter Insurgency Forces has changed from asset to liablity.
I’m sorry that the last 800 years of Anglo-Irish history has been a microcosm of every horror in the entire world, and I’m sorry that the Irish have been the first and last recipients of Britain’s great Imperial Experiment.
I’m sorry too that the culture which brought the world things like “Habeus Corpus” and Juries, and great traditions of political thought on human liberty, so often seems to exhiblt a complete blind-spot when it comes to its own back yard.
God Bless.
1. One other reason there weren’t demonstrations against The-Dictator-Formerly-Known-As-Ally in Belfast was because, ehm, he wasn’t the one visiting Belfast… (Schedule conflict, apparently)
2. Many of the people who demonstrate against Baby Bush etc. _now_, were the ones demonstrating Against US cooperation with Saddam _then_. You probably missed that because of a “Three’s Company” marathon, or were condemning us as traitors for being soft on Iran.
3. I owe my allegiance to liberty and humanity – I’ve never heard of the “Anglosphere Alliance”. Is that like the Japanese Co-Prosperity Sphere, but for Anglospherians?
God Bless.