I may just have stumbled upon the reason for Mr.Blair’s enthusiasm to occupy Iraq. Having successfully disarmed the British, he is now on his way to do the same to the Iraqis:
Guns are very common in Iraq. Even so, gun shop owners say business has risen by 25 percent over the past month, with cheap pistols priced under $100 in highest demand. The shops are not allowed to sell assault rifles, but store owners say hunting rifles are selling fast.
Well, well, well. The ironies are so rich that you could float them on the stock market. Oppressed, tyrannized Iraqis can apparently walk into a shop and buy a shooter with the same alacrity with which they would purchase a packet of pitta breads and ‘free, democratic’ Britons can be prosecuted for possessing a toothpick!
Much to ponder in this, fellow seekers, but a couple of conclusions do spring readily to mind: first, democidal despot he may be but Saddam Hussein clearly trusts his own people far more than Her Majesty’s Government trusts theirs. Secondly, whilst not wishing to disparage the value of RKBA, it seems that it is not a defence against tyranny.
[My thanks to Sean Gabb for the link]
Err……lets see here…5 million population base plus,I suspect,the surrounding countryside…..estimated 45 gun shops service this pop base….sales up 25% in past month…What are the previous months sales figures ??…..no assult rifles available,does that mean all/most military rifles/weapons?? BTW David,under Hitler’s Germany,guns were readily available provided you were from the proscribed race……do you think the Jewish population of Baghdad would be allowed to buy/own firearms??
Guns are all over Afghanistan, as well, where they are apparently considered essential wedding accoutrements. Pakistan too, yes? And didn’t a few Kuwaitis get beaned firing their guns in the air as victory celebration?
Guns are no defense against tyranny when the only model of government you have is tyranny. I suppose they ensure you have a new and different tyranny every few years.
Guns insure against tyranny in a democratic society where armed revolt hurts your standing in the polls. In an inherently violent society, they’re just part of which bullyboys take power. You can’t really compare the two. Well, I suppose you can, but please, these things are never so simple.
RKBA tends to allow protection from the onset of tyranny. Rarely does it stop the continuation of it.
Also, we should probably see some statistics on gun ownership as opposed to gun sales.
But I like your other main point, though. Overall, you Brits are screwed. 😉