There is an old Arab saying I’m hearing more and more from Iraqis, I will side with my brother against my cousin, but with my cousin against the foreigners.
– Paul Wood on BBC Reporters’ Log, 11:51GMT
Samizdata slogan of the dayThere is an old Arab saying I’m hearing more and more from Iraqis, I will side with my brother against my cousin, but with my cousin against the foreigners. 4 comments to Samizdata slogan of the day |
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Dear friend, I found your weblog, very interesting.
An big kiss by max
And some of the foreigners would like to side with you to help you stop what your cousin is doing to your brother.
Thinking of all this brother and cousin business, it has crossed my mind that a society where polygamy is practised, even by a small minority, might be more genetically uniform than ours – making two average members more inter-related.
As the evolutionary biologist William Hamilton might have reasoned, we should expect suicide warriors to be commoner in a society where any two individuals share more genes, where therefore death is a lot more like laying down your life for family than for friends.
can i amend that slightly?
from my extensive dealings with arabs over the years, i think it should be:
I will SAY that i will side with my brother against my cousin, and with my cousin against the foreigners, THEN MAKE A HUGE NOISE ABOUT IT, BUT NOT ACTUALLY GET OFF MY ARSE FOR ANYONE