The Parliamentary Conservative Party is filled with people who despise principles too much even to see the value of pretending to have any.
– Sean Gabb in Free Life 43
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Samizdata slogan of the dayThe Parliamentary Conservative Party is filled with people who despise principles too much even to see the value of pretending to have any. March 16th, 2003 |
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John Redwood seems to have principles. He would like a smaller government (although, sadly, still a government that was much to big).
However, it is true that not only the media but many other Conservative M.P.s seem to regard Mr Redwood as an alien (nick names like “the Vulcan” or “Mr Spock” are only half in jest), having principles does seem to make a man look very odd in the Conservative party.
How about Alan Duncan? He co-wrote ‘Saturn’s Children’ in the late 90’s which is described on Amazon as showing “how a high taxing, high spending State devours individual liberty, expropriates private property, damages material prosperity, blights the prospects of the young, undermines the family and demoralises the weak and vulnerable.”
I believe he is the closest thing to a libertarian in the Tory party today.