We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Weapons? What weapons?

Khidmir Hamza, a former member of the Iraqi nuclear weapons program has written an interesting article for the Opinion Journal:

“My 20 years of work in Iraq’s nuclear-weapons program and military industry were partly a training course in methods of deception and camouflage to keep the program secret. Given what I know about Saddam Hussein’s commitment to developing and using weapons of mass destruction, the following two points are abundantly clear to me: First, the U.N. weapons inspectors will not find anything Saddam does not want them to find. Second, France, Germany, and to a degree, Russia, are opposed to U.S. military action in Iraq mainly because they maintain lucrative trade deals with Baghdad, many of which are arms-related.”

Mr Hamzi also points out biochem carrying artillery shells are always stored empty in Iraq due to corrosion problems. They are only filled when they are to be deployed and used.

He says much more about the uselessness of inspections. This is from someone who worked inside the other side. It’s worth reading.

2 comments to Weapons? What weapons?

  • It’s reached the point where I no longer even care to read things like this.

    He says nothing we do not already know, and those who remain unconvinced will stay unconvinced until they see the mushroom cloud–and then they will blame the West for “provoking” Saddam.

    Yes, I’m in a bad mood right now. Pay me no mind.

  • Elizabeth

    In my opinion most of the anti-war protests are made of people who are anti-capitalist and/or anti-American. They aren’t going to read or discuss issues which are not consistent with their rhetoric.

    I have seen maybe one true pacifist speak out against a possible war with Iraq. Otherwise, most of the people who are speaking out now did not speak out in 1998 against Clinton, against our actions in Kosovo, and so on.