I have a message for all British cigarette smokers and for those thinking of taking up smoking: when you next pop down to the supermarket or your local tobacconist for a packet of smokes, why not try Richmond Superking Lights for excellent quality and flavour at a very competitive price.

You may also be interested to note that, since I am not making this recommendation in the course of a business, I have not broken the law:
“The government’s long-awaited Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Act comes into effect on Friday 14 February.
The Act outlaws ads in magazines, newspapers and on billboards.
Like most other petty prohibitionist tyrranies this one has been foisted on us by Brussels. Inspired and enacted, I daresay, by people who think of themselves as the ‘great and the good’ and believe themselves to have been charged with the task of rescuing us from our own atavistic tendencies towards self-destruction.

I realise that I can do nothing to deflect them from their mission, but I can do my bit to help undermine them.

Brussels. Famous for sprouts, pissing tots and now an overweaning megastate apparat panting to micromanage your life. Now that’s ambition.
Is it too late to ressurect the Monty Python game-show skit “Prejudice” and slap their epithet (“bloody, stinking Belgian bastards”) onto them?
Buy them for another reason too:
“The next step must be a complete ban on smoking in public places because passive smoking kills at least 1,000 non-smokers every year,” said Dr Vivienne Nathanson, the BMA’s head of science and ethics.
Does anybody else cringe when a job title says “science and ethics”? Sort of like “science and marxism” in a soviet russian’s job title.
Bleh. And if you think they’ll stop at the boundaries of “public” space, you’re more optimistic than I am.
Support your friendly neighborhood baccy-smuggler.
As someone who quit smoking many years ago after many tries, and whose wife only recently managed to kick it, and whose father recently died of smoking-related illness—I thank you for pointing out this overweaning crap.
God, I loathe the anti-smoking “altruists” with a passion.
As the years of my life have accumulated, I have come to cherish every aspect of life more and more, and the myriad personal struggles which we face, dealing with each as a means of developing personal strength (or not). I started smoking (tobacco) six years ago after leaving behind 11 years of daily heroin use. End of that story, on my own, no programs, government or otherwise (though they sure had way of making procurement extremely inconvenient). Now I am dealing with another form of addiction, the much more widespread cigarette demon, and I cling to my right to deal with these forces on my own, taking responsibility for my actions and their effects on me. I abhor the idea of a government which presumes to relieve me of my responsibilities to myself, and attempts to legislate my behavior in ways which it deems are “for my own good”.
If cigarettes are outlawed, only outlaws will have cigarettes (how chic).
David, you’re still quitted, aren’t you? Are you following your own advice in the headline of the post?
The bottom photo, I do believe, is from Sir Ridley Scott’s masterpiece, “Blade Runner”
which takes place in the future. So, Brussels won’t be entirely successful in its latest nanny function.
The bottom photo is from Bladerunner. The beautiful Sean Young.
Yes, I am still ‘quitted’.
When I quit I made a promise that I would continue to fight for the right to smoke and against nanny-state health fascism. I intend to keep that promise.
I’m in the same boat as you, Daivd. I have also quit, but I also think that people should have the right to smoke, even though it frustrates me on some level because it still makes me want one.
I am currently in a lost week end of an outbreak of smoking, I am bored already, I have purchased the sacred chewing gum, will put on a patch before going to bed on sunday night, and have ordered large supplies of extra strong mints form the local shop, by Tuesday dinner time all will be back to non smoking normal. Hand rolled Cutters Choice and licquroice pappers…. think I’ll have annother….
Re: “You may also be interested to note that, since I am not making this recommendation in the course of a business, I have not broken the law”
I suppose it’s too much to hope that this statute was in any way influenced by Sean Gabb/Free Life’s defiant adverts for apples by-the-pound.
deirdre, best advice I can give you is to get away from people who smoke for awhile. I tried quitting when I was living with a smoker… that didn’t happen. Tried quitting a few months later when I wasn’t and it was a piece of cake. Well, not that easy, but much, much easier than with one.
Good luck! 🙂