Is this the first ‘blogger-marriage’, I wonder?
Regardless of whether it is or not, many congratulations to Andrew Dodge and Sasha Castel who are now Mr. and Mrs. Castel-Dodge.
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Blogs and marriageIs this the first ‘blogger-marriage’, I wonder? Regardless of whether it is or not, many congratulations to Andrew Dodge and Sasha Castel who are now Mr. and Mrs. Castel-Dodge. February 24th, 2003 |
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The first? Not even remotely close. Rebecca Blood met her husband through their respective blogs, and they’ve been married something like three years now.
Spoons beat them too it as well by a few months. How about first trans-Atlantic marriage via blogs?
M Tavernier says that, ultimately, the films are the first step of an American takeover of France. Does he have any theories that would explain why on earth America (or any other country) would want France even if handed to them on a plate?
I apologise for intruding into the stories of romantic bloggers – above. I had the wrong window open when I hit Post. My comment was obviously meant for France Is under Attack. Sorry.
Who cares if they were not the first blogger marriage – they’re a great couple, brought together by the power of the Blog. Raising a glass to that!
Congrats to both of them. The opera and rock worlds are united as one.
So I guess we can expect a Rock-Opera this year? 😉
BTW, upon which continent did the event occur?
Dale, we got married right here on the Dodge homestead in Harpswell, ME. Right in the middle of a slush-storm too.
Hopefully we will be back on British soil ere long.
And guess who is responsible for this union? Samizdata of course, had it not been for a wee link in the body of this blog I would have never known about my dear Sasha.
Trans-atlantic marriage via blogs works for us. The questions is…is it the first case of Samizdata as match-maker?
Whoops, forgot to change the name…never mind.
I’m confused. Which one of you is British?
Neither, says a British blogger in America who met Mr Dodge in a pub in Clapham.
The Anglosphere at work! If our darned immigration services could realise that point…
I watch big brother