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Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

The Word according to Pinter

Mark Steyn is in rare form, delivering a splendid satirical roasting of the detestable Harold Pinter.

‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer had a very shiny nose,’ Pinter continued. ‘You know why that is? Depleted uranium’?


“George W Bush says he’s dreaming of a white Christmas,” sneered Mr Pinter. “But for the rest of us it’s a nightmare. I wake up feeling like a man trapped in a snowy knick-knack with his face pressed up against the glass howling, ‘Let me out of here’, only to be buried under another ton of artificial flakes.”

Splendid stuff. It is a continuing marvel to me that Pinter can still appear in polite society in Britain without having doors slammed in his face.

4 comments to The Word according to Pinter

  • Paul Marks

    What passes for “polite society” these days (and for many years past) is dominated by people like Harold Pinter.

  • Tom

    Paul Marks is absolutely right. Last night I was at a party and got chatting to a fairly civilised fellow who was raving about what a great film Michael Moore’s “Bowling for Combine” was. When I pointed out that he appealed because he played on anti-American prejudice, he gave me a funny look, as if to say that dislike of America was the mark of a civilised being.

    It would be nice to think that the likes of Pinter and Moore could be banished from “polite society” but sadly these jerks are now writing the rules.

  • Just a small quibble and perhaps it is my error, but from remarks and comparisons to Michael Moore it seems that you are under the impression that Steyns piece is about Harold Pinter the playwright. It is in fact about the Reverend Harold Pinter, vicar at the church of St George of the Galloways. I would love to have Steyn take on the other detestable Pinter, but he did not in this case.