Gender is too important an issue to be left to people who think it’s more important than anything else.
– James Lileks (yesterday)
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Samizdata slogan of the dayGender is too important an issue to be left to people who think it’s more important than anything else. December 21st, 2002 |
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There’s coincidence, for you! I just read the passage on Lileks’ Bleat page, and the Christmas Screed which he was defending in the statement, and my very next click was to Samizdata, where I read this post. I can tell you, it gave me a delectable frisson of synchronicity.
Lileks’ Christmas Screed had me howling. I have sworn to memorize his paragraph on insincerity (referring to the Christmas party jackass) and, with minor edits, thoroughly intend to plagiarize it, with vigor akimbo, the next time I encounter one of these purveyors of miserablism.
I noticed Lileks hasn’t gotten around to permalinking this Screed in the archive yet, but you can link to it directly here:
Lileks’ Christmas Screed
And a very Merry Christmas to you!