Moors murderess Myra Hindley has just died and is hopefully now burning in hell. Good riddance.
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Good riddanceMoors murderess Myra Hindley has just died and is hopefully now burning in hell. Good riddance. November 15th, 2002 |
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Feeling vengeful, Perry? 🙂
Her just being dead is good enough for me.
A little late though.
I note from the story in the Guardian that she was a chain smoker receiving nicotine patches from your National Health Service, apparently to keep her from smoking and further damaging her health. I don’t know how prisons are run in the UK, but wouldn’t it have been easier just to forbid her cigarettes? It is a prison, right? Or was this a ploy to prolong her misery in this world?
The worst thing is the way Joan Smith, Yazmin Alibi-cretin and the rest of the detritus will blame it all on men. Read’em and weep.
At the end of a dismal dreary week, at last some good news. The weekend is looking up!
Newsnight this evening revealed something I didn’t know until now. Apparently Hindley and Brady, like Hannibal Lector, used to listen to classical music.
In the US that horrible woman would’ve had her date with Old Smokey around 1968/69. Torturing a little girl to death, how foul and evil, and yes, you give up any remaining claims to being a human by doing that — you’re an animal. Please tell me why the American justice system is not more fair.
Moors Militants, not “Moors Murderer”. Show some impartiality, for God’s sake. She may not have liked children, but let’s be fair, the children didn’t like her either.
Dave wrote:
“Please tell me why the American justice system is not more fair.”
Here’s one reason — ’cause it screws up so often in capital cases, in which death sentences are pursued by elected district attorneys for political gain.
Here’s another — if you won’t grant the state control over [fill in libertarian gripe], why on earth would you grant it the cudgel (power switch?) of death?