Another bombing tonight in Northern Israel. Another bus rammed by a car packed with explosives. At least 15 dead and 30 maimed.
As I have indicated previously, this is not going to stop.
The pain of being rightAnother bombing tonight in Northern Israel. Another bus rammed by a car packed with explosives. At least 15 dead and 30 maimed. As I have indicated previously, this is not going to stop. 11 comments to The pain of being right |
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Acknowledge the nationhood of the Palestinians, then at the next bombing declare war and put them all in POW camps until the arab world accomodates them.
That’s certainly what you might call the “final solution” to the problem of the Palestinians! This is about as terrible a policy as I’ve heard. Anyone who tried to implement this policy would rightly be called a war criminal.
Ah, I see the peace-loving Palestinians have resumed their national sport. Maybe they’re doing it to have more loving tributes written about them by Pilger and Fisk
Question: Who’s more courageous, a Palestinian suicide bomber, who kills civilians ‘in defense of his people’, or an Israeli soldier who shoots Palestinian kids ‘in defense of his people’?
Answer: Neither. They’re both cowards.
Tex, get a grip. Why don’t you just go on to say Palestinians are an inferior race?
Moral equivalency at it’s finest.
Civilians who rise up “Levee en mas” [sic] can then be treated as combatants and imprisoned until the end of the war.
… & when will that be?
I can’t understand people who think all the pals, should be crushed/evicted. Equally, i can’t understand people who think Israel should be crushed. Neither is likely to happen. At least the people who are in there have excuses for having these crazy thoughts. You guys as (presumably) outsiders have no excuse for this level of irrational anger. When you want to *solve* a problem, which works best, calm rational debate, or name calling & demonising?
Both sides clearly have valid concerns; if i was an Israeli, i’d def. want something to be done about the possibility of being blown up as I take the bus. Equally, if i was a Palestinian, I’d be very angry at the way Israel treats the Palestinian population.
Both sides have a justified suspicion that there’s a strong minority on the other side that wants them gone altogether.
This isn’t an easy problem but denying the legitimacy of one side will solve NOTHING. If you want to indulge in partisan insults & rants, why not choose a sports side & insult the opposite players. If, on the other hand, you’re interested in world events, then pay attention to how conflicts can actually get resolved. Sure, violent repression’s one option, but it often comes back at you.
When can we expect some news about your ongoing dialogue with Mr.Al-Masri?
++falls to the floor, laughing at David’s sheer wit… again!++
It is no laughing matter and I do not intend this as a joke.
Since you made your grand entrance to this site by exhorting us all to reach out and start dialogue instead of warmongering, it is entirely reasonable of me to expect you to act on the courage of your own convictions and show us the way.
Until such time as you do I am really not much interested in all the rest of your guff.