There is a splendid reference to on, quoting sections of a short article by David Carr in which he introduced the term ‘Tranzi’ for ‘Transnational Progressives’.
Tranzi: making the enemy flesh and bloodThere is a splendid reference to on, quoting sections of a short article by David Carr in which he introduced the term ‘Tranzi’ for ‘Transnational Progressives’. 5 comments to Tranzi: making the enemy flesh and blood |
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Tranzi is the first pure collectivism. It is pushed by governments and organizations, to governments and organizations, trying if anything to bypass the tiresome business of getting votes. A favored trick is creating a binding (but unaccountable) metagovernment (eg: EU, UN) or treaty (eg: Kyoto). The individual (in his capacity as a voter) is to be allowed to decide who doles out the Tranzi’s policies, but should be prevented from altering the policy itself.
Tranzi does not even *percieve* the individual unless he enters a statistical/organizational context. There are no favored individuals – only favored groups. Nor do they typically attack individuals per se, preferring to target collectives eg: corporations, “cultures”, social classes. This is why they can hate “free market capitalism” while hanging out with so called capitalists.
In the end Tranzi is just another mutation of generic antimind. It’s a coalition of destroyers united by the common goal of destruction.
End of history? Heh. “Liberal democracy” never won, democracy is a mechanism not an ideology. Nowadays the ideology war between libertarian and antimind is the only real game in town.
That piece by Richard Poe is also mentioned on his (Poe’s) blog, which is fairly new and very interesting.
From Richard Poe’s weblog:
“Milosevic’s adversaries are best described as Tranzis (Transnational Progressives) – agents and supporters of an incipient global government or New World Order.
Whatever we decide to call Milosevic’s persecutors, the fact is, he is being framed. ”
Jett: I cannot locate that on his site… where did you see it as I would like to get the full context of the point being made.
Whilst it is pretty much true that the International Courts are indeed hotbeds of Tranzi ideology, the idea Milosevic is being ‘framed’ is bizarre. He was indeed the primary author of the Balkan Wars and the idea that a communist autocrat would not be aware of large, highly organised and heavily equipped units of paramilitaries operating hand-in-glove with the Yugoslav military within the areas he claimed were sovereign Yugoslavian territory is beyond preposterous.
Arkan’s and Seselj’s einsatztruppen operating in Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosova were not tiny bands roving brigands, they constituted small armies with heavy weapons and significant logistic needs. It would be like saying Hitler did not know the SS existed and therefore cannot be blamed for the things it did.
From the top of that entry:
Wednesday, August 28, 2002
posted at 07:35
Now here’s a good example of where the term “Tranzi” comes in handy (see blog entry “Naming the Beast” below).
We know that the people running the International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague are bad guys. But just what sort of bad guys are they?
It goes on from there, then links to some kind of conspiracy theory or some other pro-serb propaganda (I didn’t bother reading it, I’ve already had my fill of “Free Slobo” BS). I’m pretty skeptical of the legality under international law of much that went on during Kosovo, but it seems pretty damn clear Slobo is one bad mofo.