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Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

There is hope for the world

Some good news today. The USA has renounced its membership of the International Criminal Court.

“…When you sign you have an obligation not to take actions that would defeat the object or purpose of the treaty,”

says US diplomat Pierre-Richard Prosper.

He actually, and rather diplomatically I suppose, understates the case. The effect of signing up to the ICC is to wrap a straightjacket around any effective means of self-defence. And that’s only the start of the problems which I go into in greater depth in one of my previous post on the ICC.

Whilst I am delighted, the usual suspects are already moaning about American ‘unilateralism and isolation’. I say we put a stop to that by following America’s example and making it ‘bi-lateral’.

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