We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

The joy of genetic engineering

We’ve given this blog a “G for Guidance” rating, because it contains material which some libertarians might feel would be unsuitable for younger conservatives.

The blogger bash was great, great fun, but not, in my view, as significant to humanity as a whole as the magic mouthwash story concerning which I blogged on February 21st. (By the way, I omitted to include the link to the Ananova story.)

To recap a little. Tooth decay is caused not by sugar as such, but by bacteria which thrive on sugar and which are also responsible for tooth decay. The magic mouthwash replaces the tooth decaying bacteria with genetically engineered alternative bacteria who beat the crap out of original bacteria and steal all their sugar, but don’t cause tooth decay. They presumably just sit around discussing such things as bacterial nature and the essential sugarness of sugar. Like I said, amazing.

Now okay, I agree, when the historians write up the next thousand years, Samizdata as a whole will obviously loom far larger in their thoughts than the mere detail of exactly when, and exactly by whom, “tooth decay” was abolished. But humans now can surely be forgiven for not quite seeing the larger picture. People now are excited, even some of the Token Normal Women whom Our Great Leader had persuaded by some means or another to attend the Bash. Amazing, said one Normal Woman with whom I shared the magic mouthwash news, echoing my exact word in my first blog. And no less than two e-mails flooded in to OGL on the subject.

Andy Spring emailed thus:

“Something isn’t right here. If the new strain of Streptococcus mutans can take over an entire ecosystem, i.e., my mouth, from the old strain, then it’s all around genetically superior to the old strain. If that’s the case, why hasn’t some natural mutation of the old strain already made this evolutionary improvement? Is it just because the new strain is so genetically ‘distant’ from the old that it couldn’t have arisen from the usual sources of genetic variation (mutation, genetic drift, etc)?”

This is a strange email. Andy Spring (1) expresses doubts about the basic rightness of the universe, (2) asks the question that has caused him to have these doubts, but then (3) answers (2) with what I’m sure must the right answer. Where, Andy Spring, is point (4): “All right, relax everyone, the universe makes sense after all’?”

No matter. Andy Spring has advanced our understanding of the magic mouthwash, and I am grateful to him.

Gene 6-Pack takes the story a significant stage further by asking:

“Would the benevolent bacteria in the mouthwash also be spread by kissing?”

I instinctively feel that the answer to this question must be yes. Welcome to the world of Sexually Transmitted Cures (STCs).

The mouth will not be the only human orifice into which new and magically engineered fluids will be squirted in the years and decades to come. We need only factor in the greediness of state-monopoly doctors and of crypto-statist drug corporations lobbying for the perpetuation of their captive markets (nationalised monopoly not-free-any-more-at-the-point-of-use health “services”), and the general unhappiness of the medical profession about all their patients suddenly not being as ill as they might be, all of which we can confidently rely on, to see that the world is about to become a very different place.

Do you want some magic bugs, to cure whatever ailment ails you? You can either: go to a doctor, wait several months and part with several hundreds or even several thousands of pounds. Or: you can catch your cure from someone who has already acquired it, by obtaining the relevant bodily fluids from that person, perhaps parting with a far smaller sum of money to this person. The more sex you have and the more people you have sex with, and the more sex they had and the more people they had sex with, and so on, the less ill you will be.

The genetic engineers will unleash a General War of good new bugs against bad old bugs, fixing the odds in favour of the good bugs, who will destroy the old bugs and then either just sit about loafing and doing us no harm, or, even better, will buzz about inside us, doing good.

The contribution of non-medical persons to all this will be to create the globally unified fluid battlefield within which the bad old bugs will have no fluidically isolated human bodies in which to hide. An orgy of sexual abandonment in other words.

Parents will encourage their offspring to make-out and sleep around, early and often, if only so as not to interrupt their own wife-swapping parties.

“I don’t want to see you back home before midnight!”

“Remember not to use a condom!”

“From now on, you’re going to go out every night for a month, and with a different boy each night!”

“She seemed like a nice girl. So dump her and have a fling with that nymphomaniac in number 22.”

The ultimate super-bug -the Great White Whale of the genetically-engineered-bugger’s art – will be the all-purpose cure for everything: Acquired Immunity Sufficiency Syndrome, AISS.

At first there will be problems. Gays and Africans will find it much each to get AISS than the straight community, for reasons I’d rather not dwell on. For a few years, gays will be famously healthier than the rest of us – and apparently far more numerous, for the world will become heavily populated with men who are only passing as gay but are secretly straight. No self-respecting girl would dream of having sex with a man who’d never had sex with another man. But in due course, I feel sure, it will be possible to catch the latest version of AISS from a toilet seat.

British Blogger Bash… the morning after the night before

Tentative greetings from Hangover Headquarters.

The 1st Blogger Bash in London was a definite success with four blogs represented, and a host of would-be bloggers and blog readers also in attendance, eighteen people in all.

Blogs represented were Samizdata (obviously), Aint No Bad Dude, Dodgeblog and Layman’s Logic.

Unfortunately Adil Farooq of Muslimpundit sent regrets earlier and was unable to attend and the evil Busheyspon was a no-show.

Proceedings started at 7:00 pm and continued until 6:30 am today (I kid thee not) when the last diehards staggered off to an uncertain fate into the cold Chelsea night.

It looks like at least two new blogs will probably emerge as a result of the contacts between existing bloggers and interested attendees. Samizdata will also gain two more contributors to the bristling libertarian phalange in the form of Adriana Cronin and Patrick Crozier.

Samizdata Team reminds Brian Linse of Aint No Bad Dude that we have not forgotten the ‘Interblog Gun Wars’

We can confirm that contrary to rumours, Andrew Dodge is not in fact possessed by demons

Ben Sheriff of Layman’s Logic was envious of Brian Micklethwait’s finely tuned social antennae

The party was characterised by sober discourse and probity


All the attendees were bleary guys with beer bellies

Dale was very impressed when Tom Burroughes demonstrated the famous Reuters Break Dance technique

Early first reports from the 1st British Blogger Bash in London

Proper after-action reports will have to wait until tomorrow but here is the hard core who are still partying at 3:55 in the morning…

L to R: Walter Uhlman  Pat Crozier  Dave Shaw  David Carr (seated)  Brian Linse  Andrew Dodge  Dale Amon  Perry de Havilland

Samizdata slogan of the day

The Sex Pistols are as English as the Malvern Hills
-Patrick Crozier

The time for choice is long past

The murderers of Daniel Pearl live in another world. It is a world in which acts of deception that result in the murder of an unarmed noncombatant is seen as somehow heroic. It is an inverted world in which showing your weakness by murdering the would-be journalistic bearer of your own message is seen as showing your enemies that you are strong. It is a world with a chain of unfathomable logic that suggests that a course of action that murders a single fine but helpless American in Pakistan will change America foreign policy more to the murderers’ liking even when killing 3,000 helpless Americans in New York did not.

Well in the last one they are at least partially correct. By killing 3,000 Americans they filled the skies of Afghanistan with thunder and caused the destruction of their patron government, which was indeed a change in American foreign policy. And by killing this good man they move America closer to another change. Pakistan must now realise that they have no choice any longer but to crush the serpent in its midst with whatever force it takes or the United States will rightly do it for them in Daniel Pearl’s name. Just as these monsters filmed their foul acts of cowardice, so too we may soon see the deaths of his murderers, if not from the forces of the Pakistani state then through the green light of night vision scopes and guided bomb cameras of a vengeful America.

The European Union: enough to drive you to drink

The EU has decided to set minimum levels of tax on alchololic drinks and no prize for guessing which way that will move prices for consumers. We have been saying that EU tax ‘harmonisation’ only ever moves up and this is a case in point.

The European Commission argues that the proposals should be good for health, limit tax fraud and reduce wide differentials in rates, which have caused an increased cross border smuggling.

But why not reduce taxes downwards for everyone? Help consumer, retailers and producers? Oh, silly me. This is Europe we are talking about, what was I thinking?


The life of Brian

I’ve just finished chairing one of my Friday talks. Patrick Crozier on the railways. Good. And all the better for the presence of a couple of French people, Christian Michel and Francois-Rene Rideau, who runs bastiat.org and also helps out with bastiat.net, and who made several very wise points. The reason for this blog, however, is simply that another friend wanted to know how blogging is done and I am showing him. Incidentally I had to go back and edit this, and I showed people how that was done also. David Carr helped me do the links, which is a first for me. I used to have to beg our Great Leader to do that for me. Progress.

[Ed: links now fixed by The Great Leader so that they actually work]

Scotland Yard: property for sale?

Well, in the light of the recent crime problems in the UK and the punishment of people for trying to defend themselves, perhaps our police should have a new motto: “Crime is not our business”.

Emergency deployment to Samizdata HQ

Due to the seriousness of the threat against the Samizdata London Citadel, the craic Samizdata Belfast Drinking Brigade is rushing a reinforcement to London. An airdropped supply of deadly verbiage is expected by 21:00 Zulu time this evening at the latest.

Rumour has it that Samizdatistas are converging on the area from all corners of London.

AintNoBadDude invades Samizdata HQ

One of the reasons for the low volume of bloggage here has been the distracting influence of our pet pinko, Brian Linse, who has somehow managed to weasel his way into Samizdata HQ. He has barricaded himself into the downstairs guest room and we cannot get him out. The horror. The horror.

Samizdata slogan of the day

Liberty is not a means to a higher political end. It is itself the highest political end.
– Lord Acton

Another thing that technology is about to do for us

I heard about it last weekend on the BBC TV news, and Perry, informed of the needle, was impressed. He searched the haystack, and found it for us.

A genetically modified mouthwash has been developed which could effectively eliminate tooth decay, scientists claim.

The mouth rinse contains a friendlier GM version of the bug that rots the teeth which does not produce enamel eroding acid.

When the solution is squirted into the mouth, the good bugs take over from the Streptococcus mutans bacteria and prevent them from returning.

According to the researchers, a single five-minute treatment costing less than £100 would last a lifetime.

Professor Jeffrey Hillman, from the University of Florida, said: “If this approach works as well as we hope, it has the potential to eliminate the majority of tooth decay.”

The new strain appears to stay permanently on the teeth, preventing other bugs from gaining a foothold. “It is genetically stable and should be safe for humans,” Professor Hillman added.

He hopes to start clinical trials this year, using a solution squirted on to the teeth of adult volunteers. The mouthwash would be most ideally suited to infants cutting their first teeth, he added.

Amazing. Absolutely amazing.