We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.
Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]
I don’t know how many Americans have been dismayed at the breast-beating of the British elite and much of the British media over the apparent (and in most cases alleged) condition of the Al-Qaeda fighters currently cooped up in Cuba.
Incantations of solicitous concern for their welfare jostle for front page space with dire warnings to the US government about the consequences of ignoring the Geneva Convention. The BBC has just stopped short of launching ‘Taliban-Aid’
It’s all a delicious irony really. Most of these Guardianistas would pay good money to be hooded, handcuffed and pushed around by big, burly men in uniform
Maybe the Americans have been disappointed by all this, maybe not. Maybe they couldn’t care less. But in the event that they have been taken aback then let them take heart from, of all places, the Richard and Judy Show
The ‘Richard and Judy Show’ is a daytime magazine programme aimed strictly at the ‘British Street’, and the female part of that street to boot. It is wall-to-wall gossip, recipes, beauty tips, agony aunts, fashion reviews and is wildly popular. Occasionally, though, the producers like to get serious and hold a phone-in poll on some hot current topic or other. Yesterday that topic was the Al-Qaeda prisoners in Cuba and was their treatment fair or unfair?
Some 5000 viewers phoned in. The result? 8% thought their treatment was unfair and a whopping 92% thought that the US was doing the right thing
Assuming that these kind of polls are an accurate reflection of grassroots opinion then clearly pro-Amercian feelings are far thicker on the ground than they are in the lofty towers of the political/media nomenklatura and yet another indication of the ever-widening gap between the people of Britain and the establishment that rules over them
Many groups on both the Left and the Right have big money behind them and manage to keep their message and spin on the television screen morning, noon and night. Thus far we Libertarians have had neither the numbers nor the wealthy backers to do more than an occasional Presidential Campaign ad. But that is about to change and I’ll let Jim Babka’s report speak for itself.
I may disagree with he and Harry Browne on some issues, but I still think they are two of the most effective outreach people we have ever had. Without further ado, here’s Jim:
We did it! Thanks to you, we reached our goal — we raised $20,898!
And this morning, I signed a check to CNN for $21,005 for three television spots which will air on Saturday, February 2, 2002.
We’ve chosen Saturday on a major national cable network, which means most of you will be able to view these ads. CNN viewers will be treated to a little lampooning of politically correct gun control advocates in our Yard Sign Ad
This is a historic ad buy, representing the first time, to my knowledge, that a libertarian commercial will be on national television without the benefit of a presidential campaign.
More specific details will be provided next week, along with confirmed broadcast times so that you can tune in to see your contribution dollars at work.
Thank you for your ongoing support, and please stay tuned.
Jim Babka, President
American Liberty Foundation
“21st Century Outreach for Freedom…”
I can’t wait to see the impact of this. Kick the anti-2nd Amendment crowd in the goolies while they’re down. Yeah, that’s the ticket!
Sorry but our hosting server has maxed out and thus you may (or may not) have problems seeing the pictures you have have come to see… this will be fixed by tomorrow.
A man, by some miracle of medicine, is cured of bubonic plague. Then does he forget that he came close unto death and sayeth he desireth back his beloved plague because the warmth of fever, yea the very burning of his flesh, stopped him feeling cold at night in the tents of his cyber-camp. Truly, it is hard to discern the meaning of this parable.
As has been argued on the Samizdata in previous articles, liberty is not genuinely advanced by legal maneuvers but by cultural shifts. I am all for the overturning of laws that infringe civil liberty on-line and certainly I wish well to groups like the Electronic Frontier Foundation which fights the good fight against attempts to censor the Internet and the monstrous Digital Millennium Act in the USA… but this is not an American or a British or an Australian problem. It is a global problem and the solution is a global one.
Encryption cracks, DVD decoders and all that good stuff can be made illegal in the USA but so what? If it can be found on a server in Romania or Taiwan or Indonesia, who cares what the law says in America? You want what the US called non-exportable ‘weapons grade encryption’? No problem, if you know where to look: there are several servers in Eastern Europe that offer you crypto as good as or better than what is commercially available in the USA, plus it is less likely to have a NSA or GCHQ backdoor. Much of the good stuff of that nature is written outside the USA and EU to begin with. If a server gets shut down, there will be another with the same software up and running a day or a hour later somewhere else. Peer-to-peer transfers make this an even more robust process.
Liberty is furthered by simply making unreasonable laws unworkable and this happens when enough people refuse to comply and find viable ways to circumvent them. This can take form from minor disobedience all the way up to Boston Tea Parties. Let the democratically sanctified congresses and parliaments of thieves spew out ever more regulations: if the reality is that continually evolving technical means of distributing the codes of liberty continue, then we win and they lose regardless of who wins in the courts.
Sure, they can find a few people using these unauthorized things and throw them in jail, but if a code crack for a DVD can be downloaded for free in a matter of seconds off some off-shore server and used in the privacy of your own home, the fact is 99.999% of the people who do that will go undetected regardless of the huffing and puffing of the large US media companies and the finest politicians their money can buy.
But no, do not write to Samizdata asking where to find this stuff… that is what UseNet and Search Engines are for.
Sheesh… we try to bring a little class and glamour into the blogosphere but I guess there is no keeping some people happy. Glenn on Instapundit accuses us of not showing a faithful representation of semi-recovered bloggstress Natalija Radic (scroll down six articles for the ‘offending picture’ of a suspiciously healthy looking Natalija).

There… are you happy now? This picture even shows the amazing disappearing cat “Little Monster” prior to his absconding during Natalija’s hour of need. Can we please have our journalistic credentials back now, Glenn?
There is an excellent editorial in The Telegraph called Not your business, Mr Straw which makes the points that need to be made about the Al Qaeda prisoners in Cuba
Yesterday’s Mail on Sunday [Ed: mouthpiece of the British Idiotarian right], on the basis of a few photographs, told its readers that the suspects had been “tortured”. This has sparked some predictable howls of rage from America’s traditional foes on the Left – may of whom were oddly silent when the Taliban were practising genuine torture on their own citizens.
Although the US is understandably being careful with potentially dangerous men, there is no evidence of human rights violations. These, after all, are not prisoners of war, but terrorist suspects.
The whole point is that these people are accused of either terrorism or war crimes, neither of which accord them the protections of the Geneva Convention, not that such legalisms are all that important. What is important is that they be treated in an objective, appropriate and reasonable manner according to the nature of what they are: extremely dangerous terrorists.
Politicians are interested in people. Not that this is always a virtue. Fleas are interested in dogs.
– P. J. O’Rourke
I just have to share this recent item reported by the Opinion Journal.
Washington Post columnist Marc Fisher reports on the case of eight-year-old Dusty Miller, who was almost expelled from the Montgomery County, Md., school system because he brought a “most dangerous object” to Burnt Mills Elementary School. The object? “A 99-cent nail clipper, available at any dollar store.” Writes Fisher:“Last week, the county, flummoxed by conflicting accounts of the clipper incident, decided to allow Dustin to return to school after nearly a month of sitting at home. But at no point in the hour-long hearing did anyone question the wisdom of rules that make it possible to expel an 8-year-old for having a nail clipper in his pocket.”
Where do they find people like this? Are they grown in a secret government vat? Is there a reason they are deathly afraid of getting their nails clipped? Is this a job for Mulder and Scully?
I could of course be referring to the fact, as David Carr wrote that socialism far from being dead has just re-branded itself, and is stalking the night looking for victims. And certainly that is true. However the news is not all bad. The political culture in Croatia still has a woeful hangover from the communist era, but things have nevertheless has taken a turn for the better lately. The Mayor of Zagreb, Milan Bandic was involved in a minor auto accident and just drove off. As a result, his political career is in tatters and public opinion scandalised so much that he has been forced from office. However just a few short years ago he could have done so with impunity. That is real progress.
But I wasn’t really thinking about that sort of thing at all. In my usual self-centred way I was thinking about something much more important: after being laid low with the flu (or whatever it was) I am actually up and walking around at last, still coughing like I have the plague but at least I am moving again like the undead risen from a coffin. Ok, I know that I do not live in Transylvania, but I am probably a hell of a lot closer to it that most of the Samizdata’s readers (about 350 km/220 miles away).
And so off I go to the market this morning to stock up my depleted shelves (I had someone else shopping for me but he never gets the right things). There is still about half a metre of snow on the ground and so I am wrapped up like a yeti, but it is so nice to be outside. After filling up my car, I drive back and start unloading the car… and who should saunter through the open front door but Little Monster, my missing cat. I am amazed. I thought he must be run over by car or frozen under half metre of snow one week ago.
Far from it. He is fluffy and smells slightly of perfume. Someone had even tied a strange looking ribbon on his little collar. I should have just thrown him out and told him to go back to who ever has been looking after him the last week.
Well, at least I finished unloading my shopping from the car before I fed him. That showed him who is the boss.
A woman is seriously ill in hospital after been hit by a stray bullet fired as a result of a gunfight in South London
A man is also fighting for his life after being shot on the doorstep of his home in Berkshire
Our very own Balkan Blogger, Natalija is showing signs of life once more, so expect a wave of post-illness Croatian candor and Slavic snideness from the banks of the River Sava
Welcome back.
Who Are We? The Samizdata people are a bunch of sinister and heavily armed globalist illuminati who seek to infect the entire world with the values of personal liberty and several property. Amongst our many crimes is a sense of humour and the intermittent use of British spelling.
We are also a varied group made up of social individualists, classical liberals, whigs, libertarians, extropians, futurists, ‘Porcupines’, Karl Popper fetishists, recovering neo-conservatives, crazed Ayn Rand worshipers, over-caffeinated Virginia Postrel devotees, witty Frédéric Bastiat wannabes, cypherpunks, minarchists, kritarchists and wild-eyed anarcho-capitalists from Britain, North America, Australia and Europe.