We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.
Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]
The cast of characters at DOD briefings has been a great relief after years of mealy mouthed morons who went pale at the thought of admitting their job was to defend their country by letting the other side die for their country as quickly as possible. I had a particular chuckle over the following from the 11th December 2001 DOD News Briefing.
Q: Which was what? What was the desired effect? Q: Can you describe to us anecdotally what the — Myers: The desired effect was to kill al Qaeda. Q: What sort of results are you aware of? What did your people on the ground see? Myers: Dead al Qaeda. (Laughter.)
I wonder if they break into laughter as soon as they leave the press behind in the briefing room? Personally I’d be near pissing myself as soon as the door closed.
Over 3000 mostly American civilians die when Al Qaeda terrorists hijack four civilian airliners and crash two of them into office buildings in New York. A 22 year old Catholic postman is gunned down in the street by the ‘Loyalist’ Red Hand Defenders in Northern Ireland. Six Israeli Jews are gunned down during the bat mitzvah of a 12 year old girl by a Palestinian terrorist with the Al Asqa Martyrs Brigade, an offshoot of Fatah.
In none of these cases was there any pretence that the people being murdered were military targets or in any meaningful way part of the apparatus of state. They were just members of the wrong collective group.
Collectivism is the real world manifestation of the subjective, emotion based feral animal origins of humanity, like some recurring echo emanating from the primitive reptile brain that physically exists in all of us. It is the antithesis of rational objectivity, something that no amount of fancy verbiage from Marx or Chomsky or Himmler or Plato or Rousseau can disguise in their respective paeans to force and unity over intellect and evolution. Collectivism is a fancy word for tribalism. It is a hold over, an atavistic throw back to times before the modern civilisation of the extended order.
And then I see a huge protest against violence in Northern Ireland like the one today. A great and wonderful angry howl against sectarian violence by both catholics and protestants together, all revolted by the madness in the hearts of paramilitary murderers. And there, amongst the grim faced ranks of ordinary people standing under their umbrellas in the rain, I catch sight of members of the Orange Order, of Sinn Fein, of the SDLP, of various well meaning ‘left’ and ‘right’ wing groups, all calling for unity.
Tragically, terribly and utterly wrong.
The world already has enough ‘unity’ to kill every man woman and child one hundred times over. The lasting repulse of tribal violence will not come from ‘unity’, which is just an appeal for the creation of a different, larger tribe to combat the ‘other’ tribes, but rather individualism: the explicit rejection of every tie that comes not through choice but from force. Do not mistake collective action for collectivism, for it is the latter, not the former, that both ‘left’ and ‘right’ has on offer.
The answer is not ‘Unity’, which is just short hand for ‘join us, not them’… the answer is ‘Don’t tread on me’
Truth on campus?
With the new airport security measures going into action today across the old USA, I expected to hear my teachers rejoice that Big Brother has come to the airports to “protect” us.
However, one of my teachers surprised me, saying, and I quote:
“The new airport security bill combines the worst of the private sector with the worst of the federal government”
Despite all the negative stuff that goes on at the university, in terms of the “politically correct” nonsense and blatant communism, there are some good things, such as far and few between truthful statements.
The good times can’t last forever Showing their Puritanism-like beliefs, the university has beefed up the anti-drug and anti-sex rhetoric. While I am anti-sex and I am anti-drug, the university’s luck with cracking down on these vice crimes is doomed with the same fate that plagued the War on Drugs, the War on This, and the War on That.. College kids, with the exception being me and ummm me, want sex and want drugs. The authoritarian puritans that run the school apparently have no concept of reality, and instead want to violate human nature and individual rights to sex and to getting high.
Q: What is the difference between Argentina and Japan?
A: About five years
Jim Henley over on Unqualified Offerings has turned a private exchange between us into a very interesting open letter to yours truly. He makes some very interesting points!
I’ve got to tell you, Perry, I get infuriated too. What we have is, on one side, Rothbardians arguing that prophylactic war is incompatible with limited government. On the other, self-described “anti-idiotarians” who claim to believe that it is. The identity of the actual idiots here is less clear to me than it is to some others. When you factor in the Rothbardians’ least tenable thesis – that “aggressive defense” can never be anything but a smokescreen for imperialism – neither side seems to brim with promise.
Sort of Anti-anti-antiwar.com… but only sort of. I have always thought Unqualified Offerings was a daily ‘must read’ and this confirms it if you enjoy the illuminating spotlights of reason and insight. Thought provoking stuff.
“Speciesism is a prejudice or attitude of bias in favor of the interests of members of one’s own species and against those of members of other species. Speciesism is wrong for the same reason racism and sexism are wrong–because all beings interests should count equally. Peter Singer refers to this as “the principle of equality”. “All the arguments to prove human superiority cannot shatter this hard fact: in suffering, the animals are our equals”. For any individual who can suffer, the degree of suffering, not the species of the sufferer is what should count”
I promise that I have not made this up. It is lifted from the ‘Animal Rights’ section of ZNET which, quite deservedly, has a link in our ‘Havens of Fluorescent Idiocy’ section
Must rush now. I’ve got a member of another species nicely browning off under the grill.
Also we have seem some previously unknown search engines… some of these are definitely ‘things that make you go hmmm.’
Via Google: Kunduz+rescue+pakistan+helicopter+brigadiers
Via Buscador.Lycos: sinister+creative+killing
Via Lycos: Cicero+economics
Via Lycos: oppressive+governments
Via Google: Bond+supervillain+bin+Laden
Via Sidesearch: american+indian+beliefs
Via Tsunamisearch: kylie+minogue+fake
Via Tsunamisearch: kylie+minogue+naked
Via Whatuseek.com: public+rationality
Via Google: al+qaeda+airlifted+antonov+afghanistan
Via Tsunamisearch: jeri+ryan+porn
Via Brisbane.t-online: England+porn
Via Google: sig+239+vs.+sig+229
Via Google: Bennett+Anglosphere
Via Google: fortune+born+on+22January+astrology
Via Alltheweb: Arabic+bikini
Via Alltheweb: Poland+citizenship+request
Via Redesearch: libertarians+and+greens
Via Search.kvasir: ladies+spanking
Amidst the hand-wringing of the chattering classes about the fate of the Al Qaeda members now enjoying an extended break at Club Fed in Cuba, it may be useful to examine the claim that they are prisoner of war and, therefore, should be treated in accordance with the provisions of the Geneva Convention.
The Convention they are referring to is Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War and the defintion of ‘Prisoners of War’, contained in Article 4, includes ‘…militias and volunteer corps’. However, important provisos are set out in Subsection A (2):
“(a) That of being commanded by a person responsible for his subordinates;
(b) That of having a fixed distinctive sign recognizable at a distance;
(c) That of carrying arms openly;
(d) That of conducting their operations in accordance with the laws and customs of war”;
In order to be classified as ‘Prisoners of War’ militias or volunteer corps must satisfy all of the above conditions.
It is my view that Al-Qaeda fails to satisfy any.
(a) Al-Qaeda operates by means of an autonomous or, at least, semi-autonomous, cell structure. They are therefore not commanded by any identifiable person.
(b) Anybody seen the Al-Qaeda flag/symbol/pennant/banner? No, neither have I.
(c) Whilst the combatants in Aghanistan most likely did bear arms openly, other Al-Qaeda operatives moving and living undercover in up to 60 different countries around the world cannot possibly be carrying any arms openly.
(d) The attacks in which Al-Qaeda is implicated have, in most cases, been against civilian targets and devoid of any obvious or identifiable tactical or strategic purpose other than to cause terror and widespread fear. It is my view that is not within the laws or customs of war.
Therefore, it is my view that the US government has a very good case that the Al-Qaeda members do not qualify as ‘Prisoners of War’ and are, therefore, not entitled to the protection of the provision of the Geneva Convention.
Of course, this does beg the question of the status of the US actions. Do they constitute ‘war’? Well, possibly not but call it a ‘military action’ or a ‘police action’ if you will. For that matter, call it a ‘Ballroom Dancing Competition’; the point is to prevail.
Strange how this issue is kept strictly off of the political and media radar. Not a word about it on the BBC
But this is from the London Evening Standard
SCOTLAND YARD has ordered police in north London to wear bullet-proof vests at all times because of soaring gun crime — the first time such an order has been made in mainland Britain.
Officers in Haringey have been told protective armour should be worn on the streets even on routine patrols after a dramatic rise in the number of firearms offences.
In the past 12 weeks there were 300 emergency calls in Haringey in relation to alleged firearms, 109 of these resulted in evidence of guns being used or seen.
Bob Elder, chairman of the Police Federation’s constables’ branch, who is based at Haringey, said: “My colleagues are increasingly worried. In Haringey there are 999 calls about firearms activity on an almost daily basis.
“There is a heightened awareness of firearms issues in boroughs such as Haringey and Hackney and there is now a directive that officers should wear body armour on operational duty as a health and safety issue.
“We have pretty strong gun laws in this country but they do not seem to be having any effect.”
Is it possible that we taxpayers could have body-armour as well? Or would it be unsafe in private hands?
Rand Simberg made a cute observation about this war taking on Pythonesque dimensions which I find highly apposite in view of what the war has done to Libertarians.
Prior to 9/11 we were united in grim struggle against the predations of our respective governments and the ‘liberal/left’. Since 9/11 we have cleaved in two; now we are Anti-war Libertarians and the Warblogger Libertarians. The former find themselves lining up with Noam Chomsky and the latter have locked step with Christopher Hitchens. We fire pixelated Katushya rockets at each other over the Green Line of cyberspace
Of course they are now the Judean Peoples Front and we are the Peoples Front of Judea. Or is it the other way around? In any event they are the Splittists!!
Enviro-mentalists everywhere blamed the energy industry (and, in particular the US energy industry) for the phenomenon of ‘Global Warming’
It was all because of emissions, they said, and it appears that they were right. According to this article the whole ‘Global Warming’ boondoggle was due to the emissions of large amounts of money from Enron
Whilst short on specific details it does provide a suggestion of the extent of the link between giant corporations and the various ‘movements’ that purportedly campaign against them
What next I wonder? We will discover that Naomi Klein is funded by Nike? At this stage, I wouldn’t bet against it
The pen is mightier than the sword, and considerably easier to write with
– Marty Feldman
Who Are We? The Samizdata people are a bunch of sinister and heavily armed globalist illuminati who seek to infect the entire world with the values of personal liberty and several property. Amongst our many crimes is a sense of humour and the intermittent use of British spelling.
We are also a varied group made up of social individualists, classical liberals, whigs, libertarians, extropians, futurists, ‘Porcupines’, Karl Popper fetishists, recovering neo-conservatives, crazed Ayn Rand worshipers, over-caffeinated Virginia Postrel devotees, witty Frédéric Bastiat wannabes, cypherpunks, minarchists, kritarchists and wild-eyed anarcho-capitalists from Britain, North America, Australia and Europe.