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Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

It must be true if the FBI says it

Regarding the latest ‘close call’ terrorist mid air incident, News Max reports, with more than a hint of irony:

“[FBI investigators] have turned up nothing to link him to Muslim extremists, like those blamed for the Sept. 11 terror attacks,” reported the New York Times on Monday.

Nothing eh? Now call me churlish, but when a suicidal Islamic person gets on a US civilian airliner, with a three-week-old passport of dubious provenance, and who looks like Osama bin Laden on a ‘bad hair day’… and who then tries to blow himself up over a fuel tank mid-air using his ‘shoes-of-death’ filled not with improvised explosives but with MilSpec C-4 (not something one commonly finds in French drugstores), I would have to say there is indeed ‘something’ rather than ‘nothing’ linking him to what came to pass on September 11.

Does that mean I am convinced he is an Al Qaeda terrorists? No, not completely, but if I were a betting man I sure as hell know where my money would be going.

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